Case Studies

The site is located at Junction 10 of the A14 at Kettering in the heart of the Midlands’ Golden Triangle. The unit is a 230,000 sq ft warehouse with 20,000 sq ft ancillary offices and customer innovation centre. With 15m eaves height, a 50m deep yard, vehicle wash, fuel bay and a standalone transport office the building allows for the latest technology in goods handling to be deployed.
Galbraith’s role was to negotiate the leasing agreements and construction documentation to ensure Bunzl’s operational and budgetary requirements were met. This involved extensive liaison with the various client teams from racking specialists and vehicle wash manufacturers through to interior design and customer presentation.
Construction started in November 2019 and Galbraith monitored the process to ensure the end product was of the highest quality and fit for purpose. Becoming an integral part of the construction team allowed Galbraith to report on progress and any site issues ensuring Bunzl were constantly well informed of progress. Despite the complications of Covid the project finished on time in June 2020 and Bunzl were operational within 48 hours of completion.