The team provided insights into developing business plans based on natural capital – the stock of natural assets such as geology, soil, air, water and all living things – that make human life possible. The advice was commissioned by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) for its report, Investing in Scotland's Natural Capital

The feasibility study supports the case for new vehicle to increase community benefits from private investment in Scotland’s nature, says SCDI.

Galbraith, an independent property consultancy, advocated taking a ‘capitals’ approach, treating natural, social, and economic considerations as building blocks in business planning, plan rather than opposing forces.

The firm highlighted the need for a structured approach to thinking through the complex risks involved in developing an investment vehicle. It also provided a modelled example of woodland creation, demonstrating the range of income streams which a project can deliver.

The report authors noted that Galbraith’s advice emphasised the benefits of considering diverse income streams, and showed how private sector woodland projects can attract a wide range of potential revenues.

Dr Eleanor Harris, Galbraith Natural Capital and Carbon Leader, said: "It was great to work with SCDI on this project which represents another step forward in the nature economy for Scotland. The range and diversity of stakeholders involves, and the depth of thinking on how we transition to a ‘good economy’, increases every month."

Overseen by a consortium including NatureScot, Community Land Scotland, Scottish land Commission, Forestry & Land Scotland, and John Muir Trust, the SCDI report supports establishing a not-for-profit organisation to deliver greater benefits for rural communities from the growing private investment in restoring Scotland’s natural environment.

Opportunities to access private income streams for natural capital benefit are expanding rapidly. Galbraith is leading the field in developing pathways which deliver community benefit by supporting and empowering existing land-based businesses and communities.

Get in touch for more information on services such as a natural capital prospectus.

*Natural Capital: Galbraith’s expert advisers guide our clients in realising value in all land uses – by assessing and measuring natural assets, furthering opportunities in biodiversity net gain, and ensuring stakeholders are rewarded fully for their investment in and contribution to delivering ecosystem services and net-zero outcomes.